Wow, having seen the movie finally, I can say it is worth watching! Everything Everywhere All At Once is a delightful ride that you should not miss. It has everything from comedy, to action, to suspense, to drama, and even sprinkles romance in there. There are so many twists and turns that it is hard for anyone to spoil anything about this movie! I could not wait to see where this film would take me. And I have to say this film does take you everywhere! The title lives up to its name as you explore and discover new elements of the film, from start to finish! I highly recommend seeing with a group of family and friends—you'll have a blast.
My reaction after watching Everything Everywhere All At Once: Wow, that was crazy! I love it. Michelle Yeoh, man... Michelle Yeoh.
Here are 10 questions you may be wondering about...
1. Rating? 10/10!
There is so much that happens in this film that is a fun ride for anyone watching! Michelle Yeoh is front and center for this film, and I am all for that! Seriously, she makes you cry to laugh throughout the film. She better win the Oscar for this performance! The filmmakers, Daniels, made this film with simplicity and style that makes this re-watchable for all. The actors to setting use is very well done. I loved it so much!
2. Is it funny?
Oh, hell yes! Some scenes were so outrageous and out-there, that will make you think: How did they get Michelle Yeoh to sign onto this?! Everyone brings their "A-Game Performance" to this film and it's a treat to see! You will laugh until you pee! I'm warning you now, you're not prepared!
3. Best actor?
Michelle Yeoh, hands down. She is front and center in this film. When you watch it, you will know why. She brings such depth to this movie that makes it fun to watch. You will be blown away by her acting, comedic timing, lines, and emotions she brings to the table. Seriously, this woman needs an Oscar! She deserves it!
4. Worst actor?
They honestly cast this movie with such incredible actors, I cannot pick a bad actor!
5. What did I like?
I love everything about Michelle Yeoh in this movie. But I mainly love that they have an appropriate amount of the Chinese language in the film. I think a lot of films that have been based in China, they're great but, they're missing the language. It's only like a little Chinese and then English the whole time. This movie has the right amount of both languages which makes this movie more believable and special to watch!
6. What did I not like?
I think there was a little pacing issue. It was a long movie that jams in so much, so at points, I would feel it was a little much. But honestly, with how beautiful the film is, I forgive that.
7. Should I see it in theaters or stream it at home?
The film is STILL playing in theaters, so you can go see it there. I would say, if you have an amazing TV system set up at home—stream it. If not, watch in theaters. You will want to watch this movie on the best possible platform!!
8. Does it have a chance to win the Oscars?
I really see Michelle Yeoh winning best actor for this movie. I even see the best Screenplay because it has such a beautiful commentary on today's society and the pressures of being an individual. I would love it if everyone in this film won an award as they did such a great job!
9. Who should see it?
There are a lot of interesting things to watch in this movie. I'm telling you, even if I told you about the film and spoiled it—you'd have to see the movie to believe it! I would say people with the biggest sense of humor should watch it and stoners! Please, watch it with a big group—it's better!
10. Who should not see it?
I will say, people who really don't like humor. Crude people. Ignorant people. People who like their movies light and simple. Light and simple is NOT THIS MOVIE. It is a good time movie and so far, the only ones who have told me they "hate it" are ignorant individuals. I won't define what that means or who they are—they know who they are.
Conclusion: Watch this movie today! If you have a great TV set, watch it now at home! If you don't, go see the movie in theaters—it is worth the price!