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  • Writer's pictureAdam Yeager

Setting Goals Can Benefit Your Happiness and Life

Dreams, we all have them and hope one day they will be fulfilled. When we are young, we are told, "Dream and it will happen" or "Follow your dreams and they will come true". How many times have we all had a dream and it hasn't come true yet?

I feel we all can relate to that. What happens when you haven't achieved your dream? Whether that was to have a house at a certain age, or be married, or have the dream car or career? We eventually look at our life through a magnify glass and ridicule ourselves while our friends and family achieve their goals.

That feeling of incompleteness makes us bitter towards our loved ones and eventually we become bitter towards ourselves, and even leads to depression.

Dreams are not a bad thing to have. They can be beneficial for our future but there is a better way to live a life full of dreams: You should have goals on how to achieve those dreams, rather than just having dreams.

It is easier said than done to achieve your dreams. What will benefit reaching your dreams is having goals help you get closer to the dream. Most of us struggle to make a list of goals but goals can actually benefit your happiness in life.

I am a person who, like most of us, grew up with dreams. And as much as we like to say, "We have goals", most of us don't. We don't even know how to make goals. We think goals must be extreme in order to make them. In fact, even the simplest goals can lead to a road of happiness.

I have always dreamt of being a writer. I knew at an early age what I wanted to be growing up. But I never made goals to achieving the dream. I felt if I dreamt it so bad, it would naturally come to me eventually. Well, after twenty years, I knew it wasn't coming like I'd hope. I had to work for it. Even working for it, it stressed me out.

For ten years now, I have my own YouTube channel and I felt that was all I needed. I have networked with many talented people and felt I was closer to my dream. But again, dreams take a lot of work. I may have started working towards it, which is good, but it wasn't enough. That felt overwhelming to me.

It's an overwhelming feeling for anyone to realize they have a certain career path they want to follow but have no idea how to follow it. When you sit down and start to plan for that career, the research can get overwhelming, and you feel you're not good enough for the dream career. I'm here to say, you're not alone. We all feel overwhelmed, overworked, and over stressed.

Having goals can really help boost your confidence and passion. You don't need the goals to be difficult. Start your goals simple, for example: Walk every day, connect with someone (even if it's family), take time for you.

When you start to check off things from your goal list (again, does not have to be difficult), you start to notice a change in behavior. You can turn the bitterness into something positive. You start to realize you can change, little by little, it can happen.

I started making goals, little ones, throughout the year of 2021. It has helped with my confidence within myself, as well as boost positivity into who I am. Having simple little goals helped me build new and semi-difficult ones. Like starting this blog was a goal I created for myself. I feel good even writing this message to whoever reads this.

I never felt like I could create a blog site. I feel like people don't care for what I have to say. But it's not about the people. It's about me and my happiness. I love to write. My dream is to be a writer, but I need to work for it. Setting goals for myself helps me build my resume and experience to become one step closer to my dream. And setting goals for yourself, no matter the dream you have, can help do the same.

New Years is a time where we look at our lives and think what could be better. Sometimes we change to the life we want; other times, we continue to look at our lives every year and continue the life we don't want.

This is a time for you to do what you want. Set goals for yourself and see if there's a difference in your life and mental health. You will be surprised that even the simplest goals will make all the difference.

Please share, in the comments, what your dreams are and have you thought about the goals you can set for yourself to achieve them as you were reading this? I would love to hear from anyone! And if this blog has helped in any way, please subscribe and share with your friends! The more we can help each other achieve happiness, the better our future and world can be!

Happy New Years!

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