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  • Writer's pictureAdam Yeager


Updated: May 9, 2023

Don't be deceived by the title. I know most of you reading my blogs are people I already know personally. So don't worry, I will not be telling you my life story, that you most likely already know. I'm going to spare you that kind of introduction.

So, what's with the title? Some of you may be asking, or just don't care because you just want to support me. I chose this title, "Introduction", to introduce to you my ideas and goals for creating this blog site. I will be sharing my future plans for what I want to accomplish within the next year and how you can help (for free, of course) in furthering my learning experience!

For many who know me, I love to write. Since I was a child, my dream career path/goal was to be a writer. Ideally, I would love to be a screenwriter and/or playwright. Scripts come naturally for me. But in this competitive world, it is better to expand your horizons rather than limit them. That was hard for me to grasp for a long time. Many of us find our dreams are a bit harder than we imagine coming true. Like any job, if I want to be a writer- I need to expand my experience and resume to become one.

For many years, I would SAY I was a writer. But could I actually DO it? That was the question I kept asking myself. Those two words (SAY and DO) come hand and hand but mean two different things. To SAY is too easy. Anyone can SAY they're anything. I realized I needed to DO the writing rather than SAY I can write.

Before I went back to college, I didn't know if I could write anything else but scripts. Since college, I feel more comfortable writing essays, research papers, and novels. Those were three ways of writing that I didn't think I was clever enough to write. Scripts come natural for me. Writing a novel or essay, is a lot of work. But still, the writing feels natural to me. I realized after taking some English classes that I want to write, anything and everything, and get paid for it.

In reality, you can't just go to an agency or company and say, "I want to be a writer". Like most jobs: you need references, experience, and you need to put in the work. I'm proud of the work I have done since I was a kid. They may not be known to the world, but they're known to me. I'm happy and lucky I had the parents and family I have. They encouraged me every day and still manage to encourage me today. But I need more than my YouTube content. I need to show the world I can put in the works and make more than scripts.

I started YouTube to show off my writing talents. But in Youtube videos, people are never looking at the writing. They're looking at everything but the writing. Which, if you've seen my YouTube content... I'll stick to writing. I'm not an editor. An actor? Maybe. Director? Perhaps. Editor? Nope. Writer? Yes. That is why I wanted to start these blogs. I want to show off my writing skills. I want everyone to look only at my writing. I want to show my works and expand it as I apply for more writing gigs. This site will help. YOU WILL HELP (I will explain, keep reading, please).

One year ago, my friend, Kerri Blake, did something bold and daring. She created her own website, offering tarot card readings to customers. She created her own business and path for something she loves to do. Instead of SAYING she could do it, Kerri is DOING it. She gave me advice saying, "You need to offer people your writing experience". But how? Writing is a lot harder to offer than reading tarot (In my opinion). It was good advice that I needed to think of how to execute it. My partner, Ben Rich, suggested I should start a blog. I didn't think people would want to hear what I had to say. And I felt foolish even thinking of starting a blog site. After a few months of hesitation, I'm happy I started this, even if only two people read any of my blogs. I'm happy to be writing.

This whole post, I have said YOU WILL BE HELPING ME. How? You may be wondering, or not. I created this website to build my portfolio, to grow my skill, and to expand my imagination. I will be posting content I think you all will enjoy. I have a few ideas for articles, opinion pieces, movie/series reviews, and some stories I want to share. I'm also collaborating with a few inspiring people to set up and write interviews about these individuals. But I want to hear from YOU. I want this to be a place I can collaborate with YOU. I want you share, in the comments or message me personally, what you feel I should work on. Share what ideas for writing topics you think I should explore or if you have a person in mind to interview (whether that is you or your friends/family), I want to hear all YOUR IDEAS. Will I take every one of them? Probably not. But I need experience being a fast-paced writer. So please, share any writing ideas you may have with me! It'll help me tremendously!

Please enjoy my future content! I have a lot of fun ideas planned for this year and I cannot wait to share them all with whoever wants to listen... Or in your case, read. Please continue to like or comment, and if you haven't already, subscribe!

Thank you for reading this introduction. If there are any points of my life you'd like me to share or just have general questions for me, ask them in the comments below!

If not, let's have fun!!

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1 Comment

Lee Grant Yeager
Lee Grant Yeager
Jan 07, 2022

O K i just hit the ole subscribe button, Do i win a prize or something? If not i'll just offer a word of encouragement. Keep up the good work and know you are an inspiration to others including little ole me plus you are one multi talented young man of a few words but it looks like thats about to change what with this blog and all. And i guess we need to take a moment to thank your friend Kerri Blake for her contribution in creating the monster.

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